Monday, October 29, 2012

Our Stressful Life

Mike and I have a lot of things to stress out over right now, my health being at the top of the list along with trying to find a way to get to Vegas to visit his family because he hasn't seen them in almost 2 years.

When we moved here about a year and a half ago, Mike had just lost his job and I was working from home as a freelance journalist mostly part time but steadily enough. It took Mike over a year to find a job. My freelance work ended last year in November but I had started my own AVON business in June that I hoped to build up enough to make a decent living from and I started working as a domestic aide in January.

My AVON hasn't been successful mostly because I'm a horrible salesperson and I don't like to force people to buy from me. I really am considering just closing up shop with it and moving on to something else when I can afford to. I quit my domestic aide job in August because the family didn't really need me and called me off work more than they had me come in.

Now, Mike has a great full time job that he loves and I've been searching for work for months. It has been a difficult road for me. Because I have worked from home for so long, most possible employers won't consider my application, and don't consider it real work unless you have a successful company and are looking for something on the side.

I'll be honest, I hate living with my parents, especially my mother. She's a constant pain in the butt, and even more so now because she lost her job of 30+ years in August, so I have to see her all the time. I love her but hate living with her. I can deal with living with my dad but my mom just doesn't know when to leave me alone. I can be in our room working on the computer, and she will be talking to me through the closed door because if I'm not paying her attention, she's going to make me pay attention to her.

We really need to have two full time incomes so we can finally get back on our feet. We both always talk about getting our own place and what we are going to do differently than we did before. We talk about trying to buy a house again (or daydream about buying land and building a house) but there are so many things we need to do first, like de-stress our lives. We're working on it but it's one step at a time.

Monday, August 20, 2012


I almost hate to put "Update" as my title to this post because even though it's been 6-7 months since I posted not much is new.

We are finally in an upswing but I also just quit my nanny/housekeeper job because I was being called off work more than I was working and the job was 38 miles round trip, so what I was earning each week didn't even pay for my gas to get there.

Mike has finally started working, actually he started working in July. I'm looking to go to school to become a radiology/ultrasound tech. We are hoping that I can afford to go to school now and possibly that we'll get pg while I'm doing it so that we won't have to worry about me taking time off of work to have a baby, or should I say having to quit a job because I'll need maternity leave and won't be in a job long enough to get it.

As far as that goes, I'm going to a chiropractor who has given me some great ideas and promised to help me get my thyroid revved up again. She took one look at my BBTs and said, "You definitely have thyroid issues." I'm glad someone is finally taking my concerns on that seriously.

I am currently looking for a job but am not holding out much hope in the current economy. I'd like to find some more online work to do but the sites that offer that type of work are so bogged down by applications, you really have to stand out to get anywhere with them.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ups and Downs

Well, it's been a season of ups and downs for us. Mike got a job at Belleville Shoe Company in November only to get laid off today, so we are looking for jobs for him again. What sucks is that he wasn't there long enough to get any unemployment.

We had a great Christmas with my family though it was a little disappointing because we weren't able to buy presents for each other at all. We were waiting until his first paycheck this year but it looks like it could be awhile.

We promised each other that this is the year that we are going to make things happen for ourselves. We aren't going to sit here and let opportunities and such go by again. There are things we want out of life and it's becoming more and more obvious that we aren't going to get it if we depend on an employer paying us.

My AVON sales aren't going the greatest, but it's gas money every 2 weeks at least.