Friday, February 4, 2011

Being Guided

I'm on here now when I should be working because I have to leave very early to go pick up my sister so we can use her car to move. That's right, we are moving much earlier than planned and we aren't moving into our own apartment either. We are moving in with my sister and her husband, again. It's a temporary fix to a situation that is looking like it may just be God guiding us again.

I firmly believe there are times when God has been guiding me. Like moving to Vegas, for example, I believe I was guided here to meet Mike because it wasn't something I would have done normally and I didn't hesitate with making the decision. I believe this is one of those times. We found out a couple days ago that Mike is going to be losing his job on the 15th of February, after 4 years of service, because his property is the only one in the chain in Vegas that is not part of the union, so since they don't have a contract, the company has decided to save money and outsource the job to a company that they don't have to pay as much or provide insurance for.

We have wanted to move out of Vegas for a very long time, in fact, we were planning to move the September after Nora was due but that was before we found out she was sick and it wasn't as important in the scheme of things then. The desire to live somewhere other than Vegas has been strong for quite awhile, and that doesn't necessarily mean the St. Louis area but that's the easiest choice currently because my family and friends are there, so we'll have a lot of support in helping Mike find a job. I can still do my job there, so we're not as concerned about that.

Now to the feeling guided part. There were really 2 things that were keeping us in Vegas: Mike's job and us no longer having a car. In the last 2 days, both of those have been taken care of. We weren't going to just move out of Vegas with the current economy because Mike had a good paying job and it would be stupid to quit without any guarantee of a job wherever we would be moving. We have to file bankruptcy (I know we've been saying it for awhile)as soon as we get our income tax return and Mike is jobless because we really don't have the money to pay those bills now. We are moving in with my sister and her husband for the time being, so we will have a car to use and they have decided they are going to do for us what I have done for them twice, which is buy a car and let us pay it off (yes, we'll have the money to do it).

We both feel like this is God telling us it's time to get out of Vegas and He's giving us a way to do it by taking care of the obstacles we had in front of us. Mike's job has been taken care of, and with his severance, two weeks vacation, pay for his last week and a half, and about $1000 from his 401k, we'll have the money to move out of Vegas, file bankruptcy, and just in case the car thing with my sister and her husband doesn't work out, possibly enough to buy a good but cheap used car. Really the bankruptcy is now crucial because we have to do it before we move and do it fast so we can save the rest of our money to move.

So, more than likely we are going to end up in St. Louis with my family and friends again. We'll be living with my parents until Mike gets a job and we can afford to move into our own place. The cost of living is much much less there, so we can survive on less. We can also still claim his unemployment there, so until he finds a job there we will have that too.

The hard part will be telling his family that we are moving out of Vegas. His parents are the kind that they don't care what is in reality best for us, they care what is best for them which would mean us staying here and being broke/living off people until the economy turns around or Mike finds a job. The problem is that Vegas is quicksand. It may still be a tourist destination but it's not as great a place to find lasting employment anymore and when places are hiring, they are so flooded with applicants there's very little chance of getting a job. It's also very dependent on the casinos to survive, if the casinos go broke, this city will become a ghost town, and that's not a very stable place to work. It hasn't worked throughout US history when people moved someplace and they had only one source of income there that supported all the other businesses, those places eventually became ghost towns. Vegas is washed up and slowly year-by-year sinking until it will eventually become a ghost town with very little to make it thrive.

So, in 11 days Mike and I will be moving onto bigger and better things. We are starting with step 1 today and as soon as there is no danger of more blizzards/inclement weather, we will be packing up and moving out of this sand trap. We have to have faith that God knows what He's doing and is guiding us to the place we need to be. Please, keep us in your prayers and wish us the best of luck because we are taking a big gamble on this and going on blind faith.

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